Everyone Is Welcome!
We believe mental health matters for everyone.

A celebration of diversity, inclusion, and mental health through music, healing, education, art and community.

Help Us Break The Stigma

Building A Brighter Future For Mental Health

We organize the annual Mental Health Fun Fest, a joyful and inclusive celebration of music, art and mental health. Our event fosters community, collaborates with creatives and healers, and provides essential mental health resources.
We believe that
it is okay not to be okay - Your feelings are valid. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to be seen, be heard and be shameless because mental health matters. We are creating a space that allows as many as we can impact to find a dope way to cope and be kind to their mind.
Join us in honoring individuality and promoting well-being and mental health for all.

Making Mental Health History

Founded in 2019 as the Mental Health Fun Fair event, we’ve grown into the Mental Health Fun Fest and national nonprofit. Our founder, Jeigh Billingy, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and trauma specialist, envisioned making mental health more relatable. She created the festival after recognizing that cultural stigmas and societal norms were barriers to life-saving mental health access for her and her loved ones and so many others. Today, the Mental Health Fun Fest is the flagship event of Mysuspire, Inc. - a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to intervention, education, and awareness to destigmatize trauma-focused mental health services, especially for highly traumatized populations.

Our Bottom Line: Mental Health Matters

  • Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Shameless.

  • It’s Okay Not To Be Okay - Your Feelings Are Valid

  • Be Kind to Your Mind; Recharge Your Happy